Chris Harris
Chris Harris is a proud Veteran of the United States Airforce and a Firefighter / EMT with 24 years in the fire service. Chris is currently the Assistant Chief and Training Coordinator with the Saline Valley Fire Protection District and has been there for the last 13 years. Chris is the Assistant Chief of Special Operations with the St. Clair Special Emergency Services Association / St. Louis Metro USAR Task Force-4 and is a member of the MABAS Division-32 Technical Rescue Team in Illinois. Chris is also with FEMA’s Missouri Task Force-1 as a Rescue Squad Officer with multiple federal deployments. Chris has worked in the industrial setting as well providing rescue stand-by and consultation functions. Chris’s areas of specialty are Rope Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Structural Collapse Rescue Swiftwater Rescue and Heavy Vehicle Rescue. Chris not only brings in a technical rescue background, but also hazardous materials, technical search and is a NAEMT PHTLS / TECC instructor.